Pregnant Carefree

Thomas | Oct 1, 2022 min read

Postpartum Depression Care Project

The Pregnant Care free app is a dedicated platform designed to assist mothers in mitigating the symptoms of postpartum depression. In our app, we hope to build a warm and easy place for you to relax: with places for sharing daily moments, posting emotions, and engaging in forums, you can say whatever you want with other postpartum women or experienced experts. Experts can offer professional guidance through advice posts, enhancing support for regular users. Hope our app could make you feel embraced and guided through your postpartum journey!

Introduction Video

Login pages

This is the login page of our app.


In this page, you could share your ideas with others freely.

And you could also find others having the same idea with you.

If there is something you do not want to share with strangers.
No problem!
You could just share them with your friends.

Friends are added by searching their phone numbers.

Experts advice

In this section, you would get advice from experts in this field.

Just relax, their suggestion and ideas would help you a lot.


Reading and exercising daily could help you feel better.

Try to keep on reading and exercising!

You will feel yourself totally different a week later.


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